Today is observed as Democracy Day in Nigeria. Democracy as defined by the founders as Government of the people by the people for the people.
It is an annual observence formerly celebrated on 29th May, but as a mark of honour to those who worked for the actualisation of democracy in Nigeria. it was changed to this day. The day was aimed to commemorates the years of un interrupted system of government and to celebrate the dividends and achievement yielded by the system. Activities are lined up to observe the day, a week long programmes are designed which include nation wide broadcast by the president, prayers for the success of the day by the two religious groups, lectures, speeches, debate and quiz, parade match pass by guard of honour and colour party, change of quarter gaurd, dinner party and others.
As the world is faced with the pandemic of covid-19, but with the relaxation of the lockdown the day will be observed at low key in an effort to contain the spread of the pandemic and in observance of the advice of medical professionals.
Jumali and MDSCF join all Nigerians within and outside in the celebration of the day.
Happy Democracy Day from JTSLTA/MDSCF